The following image provides an overview of the main MEETS page. Users will be taken to this page when they access MEETS.

  1. Set your time zone. You can set multiple time zones as well (useful when traveling or when you have students across time zones).

  2. Click to see the calendar of the upcoming sessions.
  3. Schedule and view the Appointment Booking module for private meetings, useful for virtual office hours, tutoring, counseling and more.

  4. Click to view MEETS as a student. This allows teachers to view the MEETS interface as a student. Clicking it again will return to teacher view.

  5. Click to view the recordings of past sessions (If your platform supports this feature).

  6. Click to view the session attendance records. You can also download the data as a CSV file.

  7. If your MEETS platform supports the option to upload files, click here to access or upload files to MEETS.

  8. If your organization has Webex Teams, click here to Sync your course with Webex Teams.

  9. View the list of users that are on the MEETS platform.

  10. View and configure Account Settings.

  11. Schedule events. For an ad hoc meeting, click “Quick Launch”. For regular scheduling, click “Schedule”.

  12. Select date or scroll through calendar. 

  13. Select Day/Week/Agenda calendar view.

  14. View and launch upcoming events.

  15. Click the name of the session in the calendar to view the meeting information (meeting ID, call in numbers if supported etc.) (15a)  to edit scheduled sessions(15b), send out guest invites(15c) and delete the session(15d).

  16. Document no

-----  Next Article: 2.2. The MEETS Scheduler  -----