This article provides a step-by-step guide how to configure and install CirQlive MEETS as an LTI tool in your Canvas LMS.

Please note 

1) This page refers to Canvas admins installing MEETS on the admin level.

If you are a teacher installing the LTI on your own private course, please see 

2) The CirQlive app in the Canvas app store is a generic app. You received a unique platform. Kindly install with the instructions below and not via the CirQlive app in the Canvas app store. 

There are 2 versions of LTI installations you can choose from:

LTI 1.1

LTI 1.3 

LTI 1.1:

Stage 1. LTI installation on the Account Settings

On the left-hand panel, go to Admin and select the account to which you wish to add MEETS.

Go to Settings

Go to Apps

Go to View App Configurations

Select "+ App" to add an app.

Under Configuration Type select "By URL". Note that this will replace some of the options on the page with a field called "Config URL".

For the following section, you will need the Configuration URL, Consumer Key and Shared Secret provided to you in the MEETS Admin Panel when first setting up a MEETS instance. (to retrieve your LTI credentials, please see: Creating a MEETS integration instance for your LMS)

Alternatively, CirQlive may not have provided you with a MEETS Admin Panel. In this case, you will have received a Configuration URL, Consumer Key and Shared Secret directly from CirQlive which you can use when following the steps below. 

After selecting "By URL" enter the following fields in the window:

  • For "Name", enter "MEETS".
  • For the "Consumer Key", enter the Consumer Key (which you received from the MEETS Admin Panel or directly from CirQlive)
  • For the "Shared Secret", enter the Shared Secret (which you received from the MEETS Admin Panel or directly from CirQlive)
  • For "Config URL", enter the Configuration URL (which you received from the MEETS Admin Panel or directly from CirQlive)

Important NoteNotes regarding the Configuration URL

When setting up an LTI tool in Canvas, the syntax of the Configuration URL can be edited to enable/disable automatic propagation as well as defining the name of the LTI tool displayed on the course page. 
Please see Canvas Appendix: Automatic propagation and renaming of LTI tools.

Once done, click "Submit".

Once submitted, your LTI tool will appear in your list of External Apps.

Stage 2. Manually adding MEETS LTI to a Course (if you chose to disable automatic propagation in Stage 1)

The default setting for the Configuration URL (see Stage 1), will have MEETS automatically appear on every course page. In this case, you can skip this section.

If you disabled automatic propagation in Stage 1, then on course pages where you wish to add MEETS, go to the "Settings" section using the menu on the left, and choose the "Navigation" tab.

You should see a disabled "MEETS" box at the bottom of the page. (If you gave the tool a different name than "MEETS" in Stage 1, you will see that name instead)

Drag the MEETS box into the list of active navigation links and place it in the position in the list where you wish to have it appear. (This list matches the links on the left panel, and will let you rearrange any of the links which appear there as well)

Once you have positioned MEETS where you want it, click "Save".

After clicking save, a "MEETS" link should now appear in the left-hand panel of the course, giving your users direct, one-click access to the MEETS platform.

Adding MEETS to additional courses

To add MEETS to additional courses, simply repeat Stage 2 for each course. (Stage 1 only needs to be done once per site and instance)

LTI 1.3:

When setting up LTI 1.3, you will be transferring information between Canvas and MEETS Administration. 

Open MEETS Administration platform connection settings as well as Canvas' admin panel. 

1) Getting information from MEETS.

1a) In MEETS Administration open the Platform Connection settings.  Please see:  Creating a MEETS integration instance for your LMS. Upon saving your setup of the instance, you will get the LTI information.   You can always retrieve this information by clicking on the "link" icon     

Choose LTI version 1.3

1b) Choose the encryption settings supported by your Canvas and approved by your security team. Canvas is known to support an "Encryption Type" of "Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA)" and "Signing Algorithm" of "RS256".  If your version supports a stronger type, it is recommended to use it. Choose your desired "Key Size". "3072-Bit" is the default, and the option recommended by the US National Security Agency in 2016. After choosing your preferred options, press "Generate".

1c) After clicking "Generate", you will get the Public Key to enter into Canvas.

You will get the key as both a Public Keyset URL as well as in PEM format (copy and pastable text). You will also have URIs, URLs and Custom Fields that you will need to copy and enter into Canvas.

Keep the MEETS admin panel opened, as you will need to enter information from Canvas into it as seen below.

2) Entering the MEETS information into Canvas

2a) In the Admin section of Canvas, press on "Developer Keys" and then on "+Developer Key", and choose "LTI Key". This will open the Key Settings window.

2b) In the Key Settings window, enter the Key Name of your choice, Choose "Manual Entry" as your Method of configuration.

Enter the URI/URLs that you got from the MEETS admin (Redirect URI, Target Link URI and OpenID Connect Initiation URL)

2c) Key Settings continued in the Canvas setup admin section: Choose a JWK method. 

You can choose either Public JWK, at which point copy paste the JWK key from the MEETS admin, or choose Public JWK URL, as which point enter the Public JWK URL from the MEETS admin 

2d) Key Settings continued in the Canvas setup admin section: LTI Advantage Services.

In the "LTI Advantage Services" section, enable "Can retrieve user data associated with the context the tool is in installed in"

In the Placements section, add "Link Selection", "Course Navigation", "Editor Button" and "Assignment Selection".

2e) Key Settings continued in the Canvas setup admin section: Additional Settings. 

In the "Additional Settings" section, enter the Icon URL, the Custom Fields, and set the Privacy Level to "Public"

2f) Key Settings continued in the Canvas setup admin section: Placements. 

In the "Placements" section, choose "Assignment Selection", "Course Navigation", Editor Button" and  "Link Selection".

2g) Key Settings continued in the Canvas setup admin section: Link Selection. 

In the "Link Selection" section, enable "LtiDeepLinkingRequest"  

2h) Key Settings continued in the Canvas setup admin section: Assignment Selection. 

In the "Assignment Selection" section, enable "LtiDeepLinkingRequest" , and then press "Save" on the bottom right. 

3) Getting information from Canvas to enter into MEETS

3a) After saving the Canvas Key Settings, you will see main page of the Developer Keys.

Turn the "State" to on . You will find the digits of the Client ID in the "Details"  column.

Enter those digits into the MEETS installation configuration page.

Enter this information into the MEETS Configuration page.

3b) Go to Canvas Admin>Settings>+App

Choose "By Client ID" as the configuration type, and enter the Client ID as above. Press "Submit".

After submitting, you will see the app in the External Apps page in Canvas. 

Enable the "Add to RCE toolbar", press on the cogwheel and press on "Deployment Id" 

You will get the Deployment Id. 

Enter this deployment Id into the MEETS LTI 1.3 configuration page.

Then enter your Canvas domain and the following 3 fields will autofill (IODC Auth end-point, Public JWK and OAuth2 Endpoint)

4)  Setting the security settings in MEETS

In the "Installation configuration" window in the MEETS admin panel, it is more convenient to check the box for "Automatically recheck the LMS Public Key URL for key updates" as it will prevent the platform failing to connect in the event of a change to the key in Canvas. Please see the comment next to that option. 

You can change the settings based on your preferred security preferences. 

"Require Strong HTTPS"  is checked by default.

"Require OCSP..." and "Follow through if the key URL....". are not checked by default.

The default of "Additional Login CSRF prevention" is "None".

"Require strong HTTPS" is checked by default. "Require OCSP" is not. 

Press "Save" or "Save and Close". You can now close the MEETS Installation configuration page.

5) The LTI app will now be on the course page panel.