Note: This article provides additional configuration options when using MEETS within the Canvas LMS.
By default, the MEETS landing page is the calendar page. This is the page a user sees when accessing MEETS.
MEETS offers custom parameters enabling the LTI link to open the integration platform on other endpoint pages such as the recording or attendance page.
- In the MEETS admin panel, go to the LTI instance you wish to use. click on the "link" icon
and select the app settings (preferred name and if you want it auto-populated in the course page). It will give you the XML URL for this instance.
- Copy the XML into a browser and you will get the XML printout.
For example, assuming we want the tab showing up in Canvas to be "RecordingsOnly" and we want it to only show up in the navigation and not be on every course page automatically, then the XML URL would be:
Pasting it into the browser would give the following printout:
- Now, we need to add a section to determine the endpoint. That section is:
<lticm:property name="endpoint">page:content</lticm:property>
and it goes right after the line of </blti:description>
So the new XML would look like this:
<lticm:property name="endpoint">page:content</
- Finally, go to Canvas, set up LTI ( enter the key and secret from the MEETS admin panel, in the configuration type, choose "Paste XML" instead of "by URL" and paste the revised XML.