The Default Settings tab will display the following screen, allowing you to configure default settings for your MEETS site.

Configure Default Theme: Choose the preferred theme for your MEETS site.

  • Contour (left image - click to enlarge)
  • Smooth (right image - click to enlarge)

Configure the Default Time Zone: Set the default time zone for MEETS.

Note: Users can still select their preferred time zone within MEETS. This setting will just set the default time zone for new users.

Configure Default Language: Set the default language for MEETS. Supported languages include English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German and Dutch. If no default language is specified, MEETS will accept a language that is passed via the authentication process when a user logs in, if this information is available.

Configure Support Information: Enter your organization's support information, to tell your users how to contact support when they encounter an issue. This information will appear in the user's Conferencing Account Settings in MEETS.

-----  Next Article: Setting up Federated Authentication in MEETS -----