This article provides a step-by-step guide how to configure and install CirQlive MEETS as an LTI tool in your Haiku LMS.
Stage 1. LTI installation on the Admin Panel
Go to Domain Control
Go to Applications → LTI Tools
Select "Add LTI Tool"
For the following section, you will need the Launch URL, Consumer Key and Shared Secret provided to you in the MEETS Admin Panel when first setting up a MEETS instance. (to retrieve your LTI credentials, please see: Creating a MEETS integration instance for your LMS)
Alternatively, CirQlive may not have provided you with a MEETS Admin Panel. In this case, you will have received a Launch URL, Consumer Key and Shared Secret directly from CirQlive which you can use when following the steps below.
Configure the following fields:
- Name: Enter the name under which you want MEETS to appear in your course page
- Description: Enter a description of your choice
- Host: Enter the Launch URL (which you received from the MEETS Admin Panel or directly from CirQlive)
- Key: Enter the Consumer Key (which you received from the MEETS Admin Panel or directly from CirQlive)
- Secret: Enter the Shared Secret (which you received from the MEETS Admin Panel or directly from CirQlive)
- Custom Fields: leave empty
- Privacy: Select to make all information available with this Tool
- Click Save
Click "Manage Tool" and select "Enable"
Stage 2. Placing the LTI tool on your Haiku course page
Go to your course page and first ensure that Activities are enabled. Then go to "Manage Class" and select "Class Settings".
Select "Features"
Add Activities (if Activities wasn't already added)
Go back to your course page and select Assess → Activities
Add MEETS as an Activity
Do not forget to Publish.
When publishing, we recommend selecting "As a link (will open Activity in new window)" under "Display the Activity". Selecting to embed the Activity on the page, may produce a small frame, which hinders the user experience.
Click "Finish" to complete the LTI setup process.