This article provides a step-by-step guide how to configure and install CirQlive MEETS as an LTI tool in your Moodle LMS.

Note, this manual was written for Moodle versions 2.x. If your institution uses Moodle 3.x, please see our Moodle (3.x) LTI Installation Manual.

Stage 1. LTI installation on the Admin Panel

On the "Administration" block (located by default on the left of the front page), go to "Site Administration" → "Plugins" → "Activity Modules". Click on "LTI" to take you to the LTI administration page.

On the LTI administration page, click "Add external tool configuration".

Note: for the purpose of this guide, we will use "MEETS" as the name of the LTI tool. You can, however, substitute this name with the name of your choice in the following steps.

For the following section, you will need the Tool Base URL, Consumer Key and Shared Secret provided to you in the MEETS Admin Panel when first setting up a MEETS instance. (to retrieve your LTI credentials, please see: Creating a MEETS integration instance for your LMS)

Alternatively, CirQlive may not have provided you with a MEETS Admin Panel. In this case, you will have received a Tool Base URL, Consumer Key and Shared Secret directly from CirQlive which you can use when following the steps below. 

On the "External Tool Configuration" page: 

  • In the "Tool Settings" section:
    • Enter "MEETS" for the "Tool Name".
    • Enter the "Tool Base URL" (which you received from the MEETS Admin Panel or directly from CirQlive)
    • Enter the "Consumer Key" (which you received from the MEETS Admin Panel or directly from CirQlive)
    • Enter the "Shared Secret" (which you received from the MEETS Admin Panel or directly from CirQlive)
    • Ensure "Show tool type when creating tool instances" is checked.
    • Set the "Default Launch Container" to "Embed, without blocks".
  • In the "Privacy" section:
    • Set Share launcher's name, launcher's email and Accept grades to "Always".
    • If your Moodle site is running over HTTPS, you may choose to enable the "Force SSL" option as well, though this option is not strictly necessary.
  • After entering the above information, click "Save changes".

Stage 2. LTI installation in a course

Go to a course page where you wish to add a MEETS LTI connection and click the "Turn editing on" button (located by default at the top right of the navigation bar).

Click on "Add an activity or resource" in the section of your choice.

From the pop-up menu, select the "External Tool" option and click "Add".

Enter "MEETS" for the "Activity Name".

Select "MEETS" from the "External tool type" dropdown. (If you have chosen a different Tool Name in Stage 1, MEETS will appear with that name in the dropdown)

Select "Show more...".

Important note: Ensure the Consumer Key and Shared Secret fields are left empty (some browsers may erroneously enter your private data).


You can optionally add a unique icon to differentiate MEETS from other tools in the course page. To do this, enter the URL of the icon in the appropriate fields.

If you would like an icon of the Web Conferencing service you are using, please contact your CirQlive Account Manager.

Note: Some Moodle versions will not allow you to delete the erroneous Consumer Key and Shared Secret, or enter the Icon URL as shown above. If you encounter this issue, please go to "External Tool Type", select "Automatic based on Launch URL". This will enable you to edit the Admin Key, Secret and Icon fields.

Once edited, go back and set the "External Tool" type to "MEETS".

Click "Save and return to course".

MEETS will now appear in your course page, giving your users direct, one-click access to the MEETS platform.

Adding MEETS to additional courses

To add MEETS to additional courses, simply repeat Stage 2 for each course. (Stage 1 only needs to be done once per site and instance)