This article provides a step-by-step guide how to configure and install CirQlive MEETS as an LTI tool in your Canvas course page.
Please note that this page refers to a teacher installing the LTI in their own private course Canvas.
For LMS admins installing the LTI on the LMS admin level, please see
Stage 1. LTI installation on the Course page
a) On the left-hand panel, of your course page, go to "Settings > Apps > View App Configurations"
b) Select "+ App" to add an app.
c) Under "Configuration Type" select "By URL". Note that this will replace some of the options on the page with a field called "Config URL".
d) You will now be required to enter the Configuration URL, Consumer Key and Shared Secret. This is provided to you in the MEETS Admin Panel when first setting up a MEETS instance as you will see below (See Stage 2).
Stage 2. Create an LTI instance
Go to your MEETS administration section, and create an LTI instance as follows:
1) Click on the "LTI Connections" tab, enter a name for the platform (1), enter the URL of the LMS (2). This field is optional. Choose the connection type of Learning Tools Interoperability (3), and choose the LMS as Canvas (4). Save (5)
2) After saving, you will see the following window giving you your Consumer Key, Shared Secret and Configuration URL.
You can always return to this window at a later stage by clicking the "link" icon on the platform connection page.
You will now see the Key, Secret and URL needed for the installation as in stage 3 below.
You only need to create one instance. If you wish to install MEETS in multiple courses, you can retrieve the LTI information by clicking on the "link icon" to get the Key , Secret and URL and follow the instructions in Stage 3 for each course.
Stage 3. Entering the LTI information in Canvas
After selecting "By URL" (in Stage 1) enter the following fields in the window:
- For "Name", enter "MEETS".
- For the "Consumer Key", enter the Consumer Key which you received from the MEETS Admin Panel as above.
- For the "Shared Secret", enter the Shared Secret which you received from the MEETS Admin Panel as above.
- For "Config URL", enter the Configuration URL which you received from the MEETS Admin Panel as above.
Click "Submit".
Your page will now look something like this:
After clicking "Submit", a "MEETS" link should now appear in the left-hand panel of the course, giving users direct, one-click access to the MEETS platform.
Adding MEETS to additional courses
To add MEETS to additional courses, simply repeat the above stages for each course. Please note that in stage 2, do not create a new instance but rather click the link icon to get the Key, Secret and URL, as explained there. Only one instance needs to be created for all your LMS courses.